Mom, Please Don’t Scold Me

Some words from the author

Our family has two kids, each with their own unique personality. One is playful and often gets cranky, while the other is prone to sulking and tears. In the past, my wife and I sometimes lost our temper and scolded the kids, which left the whole family feeling exhausted and unhappy.

As I grew older and gained more maturity, I found peace through listening to Buddhist teachings and practicing mindfulness. It dawned on me that the fault was never with the children, but with us adults—our lack of patience and understanding. I had forgotten that I, too, was once a little child—playful, mischievous, and prone to tantrums.

Sometimes, all that children need is a hug, some gentle reassurance, a kind word, or a soft whisper. Just these small gestures can be enough to soothe conflicts and sadness, and help them listen more willingly. These moments of connection are the key to opening not only their hearts but also their minds, laying the foundation for their future growth and success.

More and more, I’ve come to feel that children are precious gifts sent to us to help us cultivate patience and compassion, and to give us the chance to understand what true love really means.

Inspired by these emotions, I wrote a poem and turned it into a cheerful, loving song that both parents and children can easily memorize and sing together. I hope the song can convey my message to all parents, encouraging them to show even more love and understanding to their children.

If you like this song, please leave a comment on the video and share it to spread its message to more people! ❤️
Thank you so much, and I wish you all a joyful time listening to the music!

Note: Đọc bài viết bằng Tiếng Việt ở đây

Listen to the song Mẹ ơi đừng mắng


Queen Of The Night